About Us

Post Office Box 1892, Iron Factory, Gardnersville, Monrovia Liberia
Motto: Rescuing the Children. Cell: +231-06-551390 or +231-06530808

Our Vision

ECREP envisages a peaceful, safe, and healthy environment where high qualities of life for the children are exhibited.

Our Mission

: To help alleviate and respond to the causes of an unsafe and unhealthy environment for the children, thereby creating an avenue where their basic needs are met.

Our Core Value:


The Evangelical Children Rehabilitation Program (ECREP) is a local non-governmental, non-political and non-profiting organization established in 2003 August during the heat of the crisis in Liberia, (code name World War 1, 2 & 3) when men, women and children were brutalized in cold blood. Most discouragingly, children became vulnerable, lost their childhood rights of protection and care and were forced to either join the fighting force or roam the streets in search of protection. Consequently, their future became bleak if unattended to. It is against this background the vision to establish an organization to cater to the holistic needs of the children was seen. Hence, on August 16, 2003, this vision was born and a Board of Directors comprising of five (5) persons was formed to provide support and guidance in the implementation of the vision

Since 2003 to date, ECREP has been providing humanitarian, rehabilitation, reconstruction and development services benefiting more than 275,000 men, women and children in 8 of the 15 political sub-division of Liberia which include: Montserrado, Grand Gedeh, Grand Bassa, Grand Cape Mount, Margibi, Rivercess, River Gee, Nimba River Gee and Sinoe Counties.

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